Rosemary & Ghostmilk in Witch Craft

“Miranda woke in the dark, swamped by a puddle of warm and limp child-limbs. Her husband was snoring on the far side of the bed, but both of her sons were drawn in their sleep to her body only, the motherbody, their arms and legs reaching for the throbbing of her heart alone. She slipped […]

Vaginal Disturbances in Phantom Drift

“On a Thursday afternoon in March, after a lively morning of scrubbing congealed dog vomit from the kitchen floor, incinerating two consecutive batches of banana pancakes, powering through a potty-training fiasco of epic magnitude, and listening to her four-year-old daughter’s earnest yet harrowing rendition of Let It Go at least a dozen times, Rita lost […]

Maria Maria at Sundog Lit

“In dream again he caught you on the stairs and tore through your T-shirt with his teeth, he wrapped you up in a paper sky and named you Queen of Angels, Queen of Skulls His unwashed neck smelled of low tide, of nighttime galloping across the empty playground, of more…” Read it here: Maria Maria